Aubrey's Doodle Adventures

Thursday 23 September 2010

Oops! Just seen how long it was since I last let you know what I was up to! I've been a very busy boy, what with turning a year in May and starting my agility training! I'm very good at it I've been told and am showing great potential! I hope that at my first show in December I remember how to do everything and concentrate hard! I'm really looking forward to it as I love agility!

Anyways, lets update all my fans:

In late February I went with Mummy and the girl up to Scotland for a few days.

It was a long snowy journey but I was very well behaved and much admired where ever we stopped. It was a great few days and I enjoyed the beach walk in the snow, but appreciated my coat! Brr!

We went on all sorts of walks and I really enjoyed them all. I loved the forest walks, town walks, beach walks and well generally all walks and really loved sharing lunch with the humans. I got tired on the the long forest walks but the humans made me walk. Apparently I'm too big to carry now, but I did try!

The views were great too and I admired them lots whilst thinking on my new toy and all about biscuits and about how nice the warm cottage was going to be to come back to. All in all it was a great few wintery days. I think the humans enjoyed it too.

Right at the end of the month Uncles Raif and Mac had an agility show and Uncle Mac was very clever and won his class. He won a medal and a rosette. He also went clear in his other classes but was absolutely pooped when he got home. He wouldn't even pose for his photo!

In April Mummy and the girl went to Crufts to cheer Rhys and Neighlor on. Neighlor is a staffy and lives with my best friend Rhea. They did very well and came 6th! The girl says if I keep working hard at my agility I might make it to Crufts one day! I hope so!

Uncle Raif and the girl were busy working hard preparing for Uncle Raif's first KC show, and so attended a training session with Toni Dawkins. They learnt loads and I'm gonna do a session next year. I reckon she'll love me, but hey who doesn't?

At the end of April it was the Norfolk Game Fair which Mac was supposed to be competing at but he had hurt his eye. As it was not a KC show and Valley Farm were helping with the demo on the Sunday the girl was allowed to swap Mac for Raif. Mac stayed at home and me and Uncle Raif went to the show. Uncle Raif didn't have time for contacts but he ran nicely otherwise and I had a go at the Scurry. They were very impressed with me and I got a certificate as I had such a good time. Unfortunately Dock Dogs had pulled out due to the problems of getting to the UK from the US due to the volcanic ash so I couldn't have a go at that. Never mind I should get a go in October.
In May it was Uncle Raif's first KC show and he was great. He stayed in the ring and concentrated so well he finished in 4th in the Jumping! I was great too, well of course! I was very good around the rings but oops! Me and his girl distracted Uncle Raif when he was running so he missed his weaves. Me and his girl have to hide now, so Uncle Raif doesn't see us!

At the end of May I turned One! I am now officially allowed to start my agility training! I started with the basics, with small jumps in a straight line but now I'm a pro! Well I like to think I am! I am still on medium jumps and will compete at large but the girl says as I'm such a big boy we better wait until I'm 17 months before going up to large. I keep showing her I can manage them but she says 'medium for now'!

In June it was Uncle Mungo's birthday and he turned 15. He got a special toy which I helped to pick out for him. We call it Hairy Fairy and he really really likes it! The girl reckons its ugly, but Mungo loves it!

Uncle Mac and Uncle Raif were competing at the RVA show held at the East Anglian Country Show. Uncle Raif was placed 9th in his jumping and 6th in his agility. The humans were very proud and so we all got treats! Uncle Mac and I went round the farm animal stalls and I enjoyed meeting all the pigs and sheep. I wasn't keen on the emus though!

In July we attended the Just Dogs Live show and although Mac and Raif didn't go clear at all, and it was a scorching hot weekend it was great fun. It was also a real luxury as we now have a caravan instead of a tent. Wicked! I had a go at the scurry again and went and met the groomers so the humans could buy a stripping brush. I also had a go at terrier racing, obviously in the large dog category and I won! The people running it couldn't believe that I beat the lurchers and greyhounds so I had to have another go and I won again! I got loads of attention all weekend and met people in wheelchairs and a rather abrupt autistic girl. I was told I was a very good boy as I was so calm.

In August Mac, Raif and I took part in a demo at an old peoples home. I even got to show off my skills!

I had a go at the fancy dress too and I came 2nd. I went as a teenage delinquent. No comments please!

Later that month we went to Dogs In Need show and Raif and Mac had a dodgy kind of week with some poor performances but they pulled it out the bag and on the final day Uncle Mac got a lovely clear round in agility whilst Uncle Raif went on to be placed 8th in his Jumping class.

Mac hadn't been his usual self all week so this relieved the girl but he still had to go to the vets. Unfortunately he has been diagnosed as having kidney failure and is on limited time. At the moment though he is back to normal and still barks and nips at me to run so he can chase me and Uncle Raif! He likes his cuddles too though!

In early September we had visitors from Australia so I showed them the local countryside; mud, water, you know that sorta stuff. He seemed impressed!

The boy and his missus were here too along with Uncle Dylan. They are off to New Zealand and Uncle Dylan and Uncle Raif are moving with Raif's girl to Norwich. Me and Uncles Mac, Mungo and Archie staying put with the girl and Mummy and Daddy. Uncle Raif will be back at weekends to do agility though!

Anyways that's me up to date. Sorry for the delay folks, but when you are as good looking as me its hard to take the time to sit and do boring stuff!

Tuesday 2 February 2010

I know I haven't posted for an awfully long time but we've had our ups and downs, and been torn apart. Stanley got ill before Christmas, suffering from kidney failure and despite his and Joe the vet's best efforts he succumbed to his illness. We all miss him so much and have found it very hard to adapt, especially as he was so young. He will always be the one and only Cog or Dat, the best!

In late October I had my first taste of life as a gundog with a trip to the Game Fair. I was much admired and met all sorts of people and animals. I met sheep and horses and donkeys, ferrets and chickens. I also got exposed to gunfire and was so unfazed by it all that I took a nap!

I also got a good look at Dock Dogs and my friend Tolly jumping into the lead. He jumped 20ft to win! I'm gonna have a go at this when I'm older.

I've been practising hard at all my training especially my retrieves and I'm getting pretty good now. It's really good fun!

In November and December we had snow. I love snow! Its brilliant! I didn't get it at first, and chased the flakes! That was a good game too! When it first started to really snow it was dark but I could have stayed outside for hours!

All the other boys love the snow too and we all played all the time. Mac loves snow as much as me and we had a great time mucking around chasing each other! Raif and I wrestled in the white stuff and Archie chased me too.
It was exhausting!

The snow melted and along came some new excitement. Christmas was a muted affair as a result of our loss but I loved it all the same and Uncle Dylan came to stay which was great. I am new to this Christmas lark but I really got into the spirit of it.

I got some great presents including an enormous Kong. I love getting the sausage out that Mummy stuffs inside it. Its a real challenge but I always manage!

After Christmas we had even more snow! It was so thick that I came in all balled up with snow caught in my fur. The humans then put my feet in warm water to melt it but to be honest nothing stops me!

I've now started my training in Working Trials. I've been told I'm a natural so I'm gonna give that a go too! I'm a really busy boy! Anyways gotta go; stuff to do! Oh and Happy New Year!

About Me

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I'm an apricot coloured Goldendoodle. My Mummy is Tilly a Golden Retriever and my Daddy is Cracker an apricot Standard Poodle. I am very clever and very with it! Even at a few days old I was blogging! I have joined my new family and thought I'd blog my adventures for you all to enjoy!